We collect and recycle used products to give them a second life To export or use on the domestic market, get your recycled products with 3R. Cans, tins, scrap metal, anything compressed. Wholesale (weight) for export or domestic use. PET bottles, soft plastic, all types of compressed PVC products. Vente au poids, à l’export ou sur le marché intérieur. Carton, papier et tissus recyclés et compactés. Wholesale (weight) for export or domestic use. Stripped copper cables, scrap metal, batteries, organic compost… 3R is present on every segment of the recycled product market. Wholesale (weight) for export or domestic use. Wholesale or retail: Reconditioned domestic appliances, repurposed fire-extinguishers (outdoor ashtrays), outdoor furnitures, glass jars… Order today! Tel: +223 66 75 57 58 / +223 74 46 66 17 Passer commande par email:Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Nom *Email *SujetVous souhaitezVous souhaitez...Prendre RDV avec 3RDemander un devisAcheter du matérielAutreMessage *PhoneEnvoyer